“There was that law of life so cruel and so just which demanded that one must grow or else pay more for remaining the same.” — Norman Mailer
Take a deep breath.
No, seriously—take one. Right now. Hold it for a second. Then let it out.
Feeling overwhelmed? That’s okay. Feeling a little unsure about whether you’re ready for this? Also okay. But here’s the truth: you are ready. You wouldn’t be here otherwise.
I know that the first assignments might seem like a mountain of expectations, unfamiliar processes, and a whole lot of “what even is this!?” But here’s the good news: you don’t have to climb that mountain alone. We are a learning community, which means we support each other—not just for individual success, but for our collective growth.
Yes, there’s a lot to do. That’s graduate school. But let me tell you a secret: if you approach it step by step, if you stay meticulous, if you ask questions when you get lost or frustrated, you will get through it. More than that—you’ll come out the other side stronger, smarter, and more capable than you ever imagined.
Professionalism is key, but so is risk-taking. Wikipedia has a simple but powerful guiding principle: be bold. That means you don’t need permission to try, to experiment, to push boundaries. Trust yourself. Mess things up. Get a little lost. That’s how you grow.
As many of you have already acknowledged in your introductions, most of this work is going to take you out of your comfort zone. That’s intentional. The only way to grow is to stretch beyond what you know. It’s not supposed to feel easy. If it did, it wouldn’t be worth doing.
So breathe. Trust yourself. And if you ever feel like you’re in over your head, just remember: there’s no problem we can’t tackle together.
Now go forth and be bold.